Welcome Back
Acme Delco Elementary School Bobcats!

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2024- 2025 School Year at Acme Delco Elementary School! We are very excited to see all our students from Pre-K through 6th grade return to campus. We are eager to see our students and share in their educational growth! We have missed our students and their smiles over the summer!
We have been busily preparing for our students and staff to return for a new and inspiring school year. We look forward to the opportunity to continue to grow our students academically and maintain our focus on how we, the staff of Acme Delco Elementary School, can make a positive difference in the lives of Every Child, Every day!
As you prepare for the start of school please add to your calendar our Back to School Event on Thursday, August 22nd from 5:30 -7:30 PM. We will begin our Back to School Event with an introduction to our new Opportunity Culture Educational Model, then students/parents will be able to view classroom rosters with teachers’ names/room numbers which will be posted in the hallways to assist parents and students with locating their new classrooms. Parents and students will be able to meet teachers, visit classrooms, receive information regarding expectations, curriculum, and any additional supplies that you may need during this event. Food and Family Fun will be a part of this evening as well!
We encourage our students to have open minds, take risks, and foster their natural curiosity to learn continually! At Acme Delco Elementary School our students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being is our main priority. We would like to challenge our students to “Roar” with excitement into the 2024-2025 school year and to “Race” into academic success while experiencing a positive/fun school year!
Our instructional day at ADES begins at 7:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM at Acme Delco Elementary School. We encourage all students to attend the entire school day in order to support students’ academic growth.
Please feel free to contact the school at 910-655-2957 or follow Acme Delco Elementary School on Facebook for current information as well as send messages to address your questions.
We are looking forward to seeing our students on August 26th for what I’m sure will be a fantastic year of growth and achievement at Acme Delco Elementary School! Go Bobcats!!
Kristie H. Leinthall, Principal
Office Manager
Mrs. Marva Miller
Mrs. Miller is a native of Bladen County and attended the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She has worked with Columbus County School District for 6 years. Mrs. Miller currently serves as the Administrative Secretary/Bookkeeper and handles all of our PowerSchool needs.