Here Comes the Bus
*29893 is the School Code
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Click Here For Directions To Track Buses Using Here Comes The Bus.
Here Comes the Bus FAQs
What is Here Comes the Bus?
Here Comes the Bus is a website and app that enables you to see the location of your child’s school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer. This way, you know when the bus is near your stop.
Does Here Comes the Bus track where students are located?
No. HCTB only tracks the location of buses.
My home says “Not arrived”. What does that mean?
It could mean that the bus is not there yet. It could also mean that the bus came to the home but did not stop and open the door (as happens when students are not at the stop).
When will the app be available?
The App is available now.
How much does it cost?
Here Comes the Bus is available at no cost to CCS families.
How do I sign up?
See the flyer for directions or visit the Columbus County Schools website. You need the district code (29893) and your child’s Student ID Number.
How does it work?
With GPS (Global Positioning System) trackers now standard on most school buses, Here Comes the Bus translates that information into an easy to follow customizable map, which allows you to see where the bus is and how close it is to your home.
Can I customize the app?
Once activated, you may customize or edit certain features, including how the app will communicate with you and the size of the notification radius. When the app is functioning correctly, the family should receive a push message when your bus enters the notification radius. Your stop location icon should turn from red to green once the stop has been made. These features may not be fully functional during the first few weeks of the app. If your app is not functioning properly, please fill out a form located on the CCS Website.
What’s the difference between the mobile app and the website?
The primary difference is how you access the data. The look and feel is different on a mobile device for better on-the-go use.
How do I get help if the app is not working correctly?
Fill out this form :